David's brother blessed his new baby girl over Labor Day weekend and so we took a trip to Arizona so that we could be there. The kids were in heaven with all their cousins. There are now 9 kids under the age of 9, and there is one on the way very soon. Here is Reid reunited with his
BFF Tyler. They are 3 years apart, but they have had a connection ever since Reid was just a tiny baby. They are a lot alike. They have so much fun together and they still hold hands. We keep wondering when that will stop. It is so cute, but we know when they get older they will be too cool for that.

Hanging out at Grandma and
Jido's house.

course doing hair at Grandma and
Jido's house.

Playing with all the billions of toys at Grandma and
Jido's house.

Wii at Grandma and
Jido's house.

And of course taking the famous waterfall shot at Grandma and
Jido's house.

Oh and wearing the wigs and hats at Grandma and
Jido's house.

The whole
Hazar Fam at the blessing of Mackenzie Candace
Hazar. My brother-in-law
TJ gave the most beautiful blessing. The spirit was so strong. His wife Carrie, my sister-in-law, bore the most beautiful testimony as well. It is so nice to hear
each other's testimony's of the gospel since we don't get to hear them all the time even though we should be sharing them all the time.

Here we are at dinner at one of my favorite places to eat in Scottsdale. The White Chocolate Grill. Everything is good there. I like this picture because you can see how big the family is getting, we need 2 big tables to fit us all.

It was still really hot there so we spent Labor Day swimming at a family member's house. The kids had diving contests (oh wait that was Carrie and Chad:)), they played water games, and they were thrown up in the air by their dads. All fun.

Again the big
Hazar Fam(minus Grandma, Jido and new baby).